
Dark Angels - Part X - Ezekiel

After I completed my last bikes and brought the army up to something that could kind of be played, I felt the need for some character to lead my band of angels. Since the beginning of time I've had a Ezekel model, I bought him when he first was released back during 2ed but never got around to finish him. I did get some paint on him, but never more than that.

So a few months ago I threw him in a green soap bath and got rid of the old paint, and since then he's been standing around, taking up space and looking at me. So I placed brush to model and started painting him.

I did change up his banner a bit, the original model had this old banner backpack, but I didn't want to add any paper banner, so I dug around a bit, found a scroll and some seals, and that would have to do as a banner.
So far I haven't painted any text on it, I haven't decided how to do it, so I'll let it rest and when I get some inspiration how I want it I'll do it then.

Other than that, there isn't anything real fancy about this model, it was nice and easy to paint, the details was good even though it was made 15+ years ago.

And here are the images on him

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