A few days ago I played my second game with my imperials, this time I even got some pictures of the action.
Since last time I've expanded my force enough to get 1500 kind of playable points on the table, and this time with not one, but three tanks!
My opponent had painted a bunch of Battlesuits he just had to try out, so I was more than a bit shocked to see ten of the arrayed on the board when I arrived with my army.
Imperial Guard
Company Command
Carapace Armour; Medi-pack; Regimental Standard; Vox Caster; Power Weapon
Primaris Psyker
Ratling Squad x 5
Infantry Platoon
Command Squad
Medi-pack; Platoon Standard; Vox Caster
Infantry Squad
Grenade Launcher; Vox Caster
Infantry Squad
Grenade Launcher; Vox Caster; Autocannon
Infantry Platoon
Command Squad
Medi-pack; Vox Caster; Meltagun; Bolt Pistol
Infantry Squad
Flamer; Vox Caster
Infantry Squad
Flamer; Vox Caster
Heavy Weapon Squad x 3
3 x Missile Launcher; 3 x Autocannon; 3 x Mortar
Veteran Squad
3 x Plasmagun; Vox Caster; Bolt Pistol; Power Weapon
Pintle Heavy Stubber; Multi-laser; Hull Heavy Bolter
Scout Sentinel x 3
Leman Russ Battle Tank
Hull Heavy Bolter
I don't have the complete army loadout for the tau, but it included these items
Gundrones x 2
Battle suits x 3
Battle suits x 3
Gundrones x 2
Battle suits x 3
Gundrones x 2
Firewarriors x 6
Kroot x 10
Kroot hounds x 3
Kroot x 10
Kroot hounds x 3
Phiranha x 2
Pathfinders x 8
The game itself was a capture and control with five objectives in a pitched battle deployment. The tau was sneaky and got first turn, so at least I got to deploy second
Objectives |
Tau deployment |
Imperial Guard deployment |
All deployed |
Tau 1
The first turn started out bad for me, with far more marker lights than I like hitting my hellhound one of the hammerheads just flew forward and shot it to pieces. I was just glad that he only wrecked it so that all my infantry that took cover behind it didn't get cooked as well.
Other than that, most of his tanks and Kroot moved forward, the firewariors jumped inside the transport for the pathfinders and hid behind the house containing the first objective. The second hammerhead opened up on my missile launchers but only managed to get one of them. Fire form far to many battlesuits shook my chimera but other than that no damage was done.
End of turn |
IG 1
During my turn I moved my chimera for all that it was worth, and got to unload my veterans in the side of the terrible hammerhead, I was hoping that a few well placed plasma shots would end it.
I also moved most of my infantry up a bit, and getting my flamer on the right flank ready to cook some Kroot that had gotten into the forest right in front of them.
My orders worked perfectly almost the entire game, and on the left flank missiles opened up on the hammerhead (to no effect) snipers picked of one of the kroot in the back forest (and got the pinned no less) but the real action was on the right side where the kroot in that forest got a taste of imperial flamer and First Rank Fire! Second Rank Fire!
Even though they threw themselves to the ground a fair number of them got shot down and the rest fled.
The veterans opened up on the hammerhead and got it stunned and immobilized, at least for the moment it sized to be a threat.
Also on the right flank the phiranas had taken a gamble and gone flat out towards my autocannons, in reply they opend up and destroyed on of them.
End of turn |
Tau 2
The Tau did not like to be shot up with plasmaguns, so most of the army on that flank moved up to be able to give them some hurt, all but the Kroot, that continued to flee.
Battle suits moved up and got burst cannons, missiles and all other nasties ready to take out anything that had moved up in proximity of the centre.
On the left flank the guards unit that had run up to the ruin got a taste of the Tau leader and his suits, and even though they got to ground, a fair number of them got blown to bits, but they still held on.
The veterans got combined fire from the other two suit squads, and in a display on incredible rolls, two of them survived and held on, ready to give some back next turn.
The functional hammerhead got far to little help from the pathfinders and ended up missing the Leman russ completely.
The remaining phirana made a dash over to take out the veterans chimera, but the smoked it popped last round saved it.
IG 2
In the next imperial turn the general advance up the table continued, on the left the company command and one of the platoon commands moved towards the ruin, and the platoon commander gave his superior a nice suggestion for them to run like hell, so they ended up in the ruin while they themselves took a potshot with the melta at the immobilized hammerhead and actually wrecked it. The remains of the squad in the center ruin moved closer to the forest with kroot on the other side.
My Leman Russ turned a bit to present a front to the hammerhead, so not to give it any ideas of side shots.
On the right all squads moved forward, the flamer squad and the veterans chimera move closer to the ruin with pathfinders to make them pay for the hellhound, while the platoon command and another squad moved into the forest to secure that objective. While the remaining veterans moved closer to the HQ suits.
In the shooting face the Russ saw a nice bunched up squad of suits in the backfield, and with a terrible accurate shot lay waste to them all, just a smoking crater remained.
In the center the flamer and some scattered shot from lasguns and snipers broke the kroot, that retreated to the back of the forest.
The veterans did not do so great, as they both got cooked by their own plasma and only managed one wound on the HQ squad, not a terrible fitting end to them.
But their remaining chimera and infantry squad did good work with the pathfinders, after all was said and done only three of them survived even though they went to ground. But they passed their test and stayed put.
During this missiles and autocannons continued to bounce of the hammerhead.
End of turn |
Tau 3
This was a turn of amazing cover for the imperials.
The movement did not se much, but the hammerhead drifted a bit closer to the missiles and autocannon while the remaining phirana went flat out over to the Russ. Other than that the suits moved a bit to get clearer shots, the HQ went over to the center ruin and the other went after the chimera. The kroot on the right continued to run, while the ones on the left rallied and moved back on the objective.
In the shooting phase on the right a whole lot of fire went into the chimera, and lots of penetrating hits went though. But even about six to seven penetrating hits only managed to stun it and blow of the multilaser, neither of us could believe the amount of ones and twos that got rolled there.
Next the HQ opened up on the company command and the squad in the centre ruin, and with a amazing roll of cover only one of the members from the infantry squad was killed, all others was peachy.
With the Hammerhead things did not go better, although a lot of hits was generated, not a single guardsman fell, all thanks to some loose rocks and crumbling walls.
End of turn |
IG 3
On this turn the flanking sentinels turned up, right behind the still functional hammerhead, in the centre the infantry squad went into the kroot held woods, and on the right the infantry went into the house held by the pathfinders and the Russ scooted a bit back to at least present a front to the phirana.
In the shooting phase the infantry on the right, backed up by orders from the platoon commander opened up on the pathfinders and killed them all, the autocannons on that flank opened up on the suits and with the help of the Primaris Psyker and snipers, killed all but one of them. The infantry in the centre lit up the kroots and killed all of them while the sentinels totally trashed the hammerhead. The final nail in the coffin for the tau was when the Russ scored another perfect shot and obliterated the entire HQ squad. With that we called it with the imperial forces in control of four objectives, and just inches from contesting the last one.
End of game |
It was a really fun game, and even though we don't know the rules all that well, it went fairly quick. It's also nice to see a game of 40k with only painted miniatures (my hellhond wasn't done, but at least mostly painted) it's quite rare to see this where ever I go.
But untill next time I think I need to get some more heavy teams, they are at the very least good to draw fire away from other things, even if they don't really perform that well. I also like my hound, and if I manage to get hold of another it may even get to shoot once or twice.
Well, if you have any comments, questions or whatever, leave a comment and I'll see if I can get you an answer of some kind.